Our courses
Purchasable online

Do you want to learn from home?
You can attend all our courses online, including the self-learning ones, and practice your languages effortlessly from you laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Not sure which course to choose?
You can book a free advice session and we’ll be happy to help you defining your goals.

Inlingua Verona S.r.l.
© 2025 | All rights reserved
Inlingua Verona S.r.l.
- Stradone S. Fermo, 21 - 37121 Verona VR
- +39 045 596560 // +39 045 8011999
- +39 349 6428288
- info@inlinguaverona.it
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inlingua Verona S.r.l. | P.IVA 02868840238 | Registro Imprese di Verona PEC: inlinguaverona@pec.it | Capitale Sociale € 10.200,00 i.v. | REA VR – 290406