inlingua Courses for
children and teenagers
Children have exeptional learning skills and it is important for them to relate to the foreign language by considering it not just an inevitable school subject, but a valuable, effective and fun tool.
That’s why, Inlingua Verona offers training courses for children, which are part of the teaching programme and deal with the needs of the individual institute.

Teaching programmes
Courses for children and teenagers
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Inlingua Verona S.r.l.
© 2025 | All rights reserved
Inlingua Verona S.r.l.
- Stradone S. Fermo, 21 - 37121 Verona VR
- +39 045 596560 // +39 045 8011999
- +39 349 6428288
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inlingua Verona S.r.l. | P.IVA 02868840238 | Registro Imprese di Verona PEC: | Capitale Sociale € 10.200,00 i.v. | REA VR – 290406