Courses for schools
inlingua activities are also introduced in schools to support children studying a new language, through specific programs designed also for different school contexts.
For kindergarten and preschool
For the age group 1-5 inlingua has developed the specific program inlingua DOTS, a new tool aimed at stimulating interest and curiosity towards the English language in a dynamic way, throughout activities such as music, dance, drawings, stories, games and creative and manual activities.
Teachers relate to the child exclusively using the English language, using images, songs and toys that facilitate comprehension and include children. English for pre-school aged children, our approach

For primary schools
Study of languages is essential not only for the children’s future, but also and especially because it helps broaden cultural, social and human horizons, helping them and stimulating them to relate to each other.
The project proposed for primary schools enriches the provided training with goals having a strong educational value, identifying the terms of civil coexistence. The teacher works at the same time with the school’s English teacher, agreeing together on the teaching programme to be applied. As for the path proposed in kindergartens, the teacher relates to the students exclusively using the target language.
It also encourages the motivation to learn languages with opportunities for conversation and practical use of the language.

For lower secondary schools
Lower secondary schools inlingua offers one or more hours a week with the teacher as an English language enhancement for the class.
The language is transmitted using the “communicative approach”, that is based on a predominantly oral exchange, in a positive and constructive context.
The teacher will try to encourage reflection on the differences and similarities between their native language and the foreign language as well as the development of a multi-ethnic culture and respect for diverse socio-cultural realities. In addition there’s the preparation for the first step of the international English certificate Gatehouse Awards Classic ESOL

For upper secondary schools
inlingua Verona designs a practical training based on conversation for courses in high schools. Giving the students the ability to understand and be understood in the various social and cultural contexts is the main goal of the course dedicated to schools, as well as the possibility of combining the course with English cartificates preparation. The Cambridge Coaching is an innovative approach based on the specific skills required to pass the Cambridge exam.
Traditional courses focus on prototypes and grammar, while the Cambridge Coaching – which anyway includes them – focuses more on strategies, techniques and special tools taking into account the point of view of the examiner.

Inlingua Verona S.r.l.
© 2025 | All rights reserved
Inlingua Verona S.r.l.
- Stradone S. Fermo, 21 - 37121 Verona VR
- +39 045 596560 // +39 045 8011999
- +39 349 6428288
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inlingua Verona S.r.l. | P.IVA 02868840238 | Registro Imprese di Verona PEC: | Capitale Sociale € 10.200,00 i.v. | REA VR – 290406