Translation and interpreting
We offer translation and interpreting services in all the main European and Eastern languages.
Translations of specialised texts require accurate and careful work, carried out by translation professionals.
Translating does not only mean reporting what is written from one language to another, but also knowing how to give the right weight and value to each individual word.

Guarantee and reliability
This is why contacting inlingua Verona, which collaborates with highly qualified translators with extensive knowledge of their field of specialisation, is a guarantee of reliability.
The services that inlingua Verona offers are countless, including:
- Translations of texts of various kinds: legal, commercial, tourist, technical, medical, scientific, humanistic, journalistic, industrial, economic, etc.
- Translations of texts for websites.
Each job will be carefully examined and quoted on the basis of the service required and the complexity and extent of the text to be translated. Delivery will take place within the agreed timeframe.
Interpreting does not mean translating word for word, but faithfully transposing the meaning of the message from one language to another.
There are different ways of interpreting, which differ according to the technique and the nature of the service.
Negotiation interpreting, language consulting
Applicable in business meetings, medical examinations, trade fairs; all situations where the presence of a language professional is required to faithfully reproduce the content of the conversation, which is normally structured in turns of speech and requires a response.
Simultaneous interpreting
This takes place in a soundproof booth in a conference room. The interpreter listens in headphones to the speaker’s speech and relays it in another language to the audience in the room.
This is a form of simultaneous interpreting normally used with a maximum of two people and involves the interpreter whispering the translation of the speech into the other’s ear.
Consecutive interpreting
The interpreter takes notes while listening to the speech in a pause of silence between the interlocutors, and translates the same speech into another language, making sure to maintain the appropriate tone and register.
Choosing the right interpreting or language consulting method depending on the context is crucial for ensuring a quality result.
Regardless of the technique chosen, the interpreter must be an experienced professional capable of handling small and large events, always maintaining the quality of the result. inlingua Verona works with interpreters with a high level of linguistic training and the experience and professionalism that guarantee a service par excellence.

Inlingua Verona S.r.l.
© 2025 | All rights reserved
Inlingua Verona S.r.l.
- Stradone S. Fermo, 21 - 37121 Verona VR
- +39 045 596560 // +39 045 8011999
- +39 349 6428288
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inlingua Verona S.r.l. | P.IVA 02868840238 | Registro Imprese di Verona PEC: | Capitale Sociale € 10.200,00 i.v. | REA VR – 290406